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Parking near Santiago Cigar Factory in Rochester, NY.

Santiago Cigar Factory is a notable cigar maker and retailer in Rochester, NY, that offers a wide selection of hand-rolled cigars of exceptional quality. The cigar factory has been in operation for over a decade, and it is renowned for its expertly handcrafted cigars using high-quality tobacco and traditional techniques. The factory offers a range of cigar flavors and strengths tailored for all preferences, from mild and smooth to bold and spicy. Additionally, the company provides a selection of cigar accessories, such as humidors, lighters, and cigar cutters. Santiago Cigar Factory also offers cigar rolling and tasting events where visitors can learn about cigars' enchanting and unique history and enjoy some of the finest cigars Rochester has to offer. The staff is knowledgeable and passionate, always willing to help guests find their ideal cigar based on their tastes and preferences. Overall, Santiago Cigar Factory is the perfect destination for cigar aficionados and anyone looking to experience the taste, aroma, and social experience of cigar culture in Rochester, NY.

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