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Enhanced Enforcement & Signage Drives Revenue in Bustling Chicago Neighborhood

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Fulton Market District

Situated in a former meatpacking and warehouse district, the Fulton Market District hosts corporate and regional headquarters such as Google and McDonald’s and a unique food scene. As a place for both work and play, workers and visitors alike need a place to park. Despite this, one lot struggled to reach its full potential due to their previous operator’s mismanagement.

Mismanaged Parking Operations

730 W Lake Street sits at a prime location within the Fulton Market District. Despite its nearness to a highway exit and short walking distance to W Fulton Street, the lot was in a state of disarray. Parking stripes were fading, and the overall upkeep of the lot was an afterthought. Graffiti was painted along the buildings, which deterred drivers from parking there. The payment signs did not offer clear instructions and were not replaced when they began to show damage. Compliance was also a concern, as paper parking invoices were issued manually by an attendant. These tickets would often get misplaced or get ignored by noncompliant parkers. Without a simple way to pay and weak enforcement, the lot owners sought a modern solution.

Parking Solution

730 W Lake Street enlisted Premium Parking to address these issues. By implementing their platform, GLIDEPARCS®, new payment options were deployed, allowing parkers to pay via text, QR code, or through the Premium Parking app. Signs were installed that showed these payment options clearly. Premium also worked on removing the graffiti and restriping the parking spaces. Additionally, License Plate Recognition (LPR) cameras were installed to use Premium’s GLIDE Eye LPR®. These cameras detect those who chose to not pay for their parking session and send invoice through the mail, ensuring that all parkers comply, and revenue can be collected.


Transactions and revenue increased substantially since Premium went live in late February 2024. Each subsequent month saw double digit percentage increases, peaking in May with a 47% percent increase in transactions and 63% increase in revenue. With the help of Premium’s gateless solution, visitors and workers benefit from a seamless parking operation, while the owners continue to experience growth.

To discover Premium’s full-stack parking solutions, please reach out here

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